Mash column "Gorilych" 20/110/t CLAMP 1,5 inches в Магнитогорске

  • Brand: ЧЗДА
  • Reward Points: 123
  • Availability: In Stock
12 270 ₽
Price in reward points: 12270
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Main specifications
All specifications
Maximum productivity, l/h: 0,8
Clamp connection: 1,5 inches
Column diameter, mm: 38
Column height, cm: 54
Drain cock: no
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    High-quality alcoholic drinks are increasing in price, far outstripping income growth. More and more people are thinking about the independent production of spirits, choosing the right equipment. Mash column "Gorilych" 20/110/t (1,5 inches) will help to solve all the problems with homemade distillates.
     Many are concerned about the issue - whether the quality will be self-produced alcohol comparable to what to expect on store shelves. If you use outdated technologies and handicraft, such as a pan mantovarki likely output will turn nasty cloudy liquid. But it is easy to obtain a product of excellent quality, using modern moonshine. You can buy it directly on the site of the Chelyabinsk plant distillation apparatus.

Key benefits CHZDA equipment

     Mash column "Gorilych" 20/110/t (1,5 inches) has reflux film principle, which cools the vapor stream, causing the heavier fractions remain in the alembic. Therefore, the quality of the resulting product will be much higher than the artisanal distillers. The volume of the cube distillation of this model - 20 liters, it is a happy medium in the home moonshining. It allows you to get a drink around three liters per cycle, is not very heavy, so it is quite convenient to operate.
     To make full use of all the possibilities inherent in the structure of the mash column, for heat-mass exchange is recommended to install a variety of attachments - RPN Panchenkova ceramic Raschig rings or other attachments. In this case, the distillation process will be closer to the rectification, and the amount of impurities in the alcohol will be considerably less than in a conventional distiller. Buy serious equipment, thus laying a solid foundation for a flawless quality of the beverage.
     The ease and convenience of operation - a distinctive feature of the mash column "Gorilych". In the process of selection of alcohol-containing liquid is important to maintain a constant temperature difference between the cube and the top of a distillation column reflux to reliably cut off all unnecessary impurities from the mash column. Buy this model costs because it does not require frequent adjustment of the cooling water pressure - just only regulate heating intensity distillation cube, with the temperature difference (delta) in different parts of the mash column (in the alembic - about 87°C and at the top of the column - about 78°C) remains stable.
     The best choice would be to buy a proven design to give a guaranteed quality product at the mash column "Gorilych" 20/110/t (1,5 inches) the factory machines CHZDA prices remain affordable for all buyers. Order moonshine, leave a request on the website.

Tags: mash column, 20 liters, 110 mm, with thermometer

DIMENSIONS (in initial configuration)
Column diameter, mm 38
Column height, cm 54
Volume of the distillation cube, l 20
The diameter of the throat, mm 110
Maximum productivity, l/h 0,8
Material Stainless steel
Maximum strength of the drink, % 93
Country of Origin Россия
Warranty of the factory 1 year
The height of the assembly, cm 99
EQUIPMENT (without additional options)
Clamp connection 1,5 inches
Drain cock no
Induction bottom, mm no
Installation for heating elements no
Reflux condenser there is
Safety valve Option
Silicone pad for neck there is
Thermometer, pcs 2 pcs
Cooler there is
Ethanol level device no
Hoses for water supply no
The faucet’s adapter for the hose no
The product’s passport/documentation there is
Packing box there is
Reviews (4)

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Это мой первый дистиллятор. Первый раз получилось 88 градусов крепости,  а после второй перегонки 92 градуса. Аппарат супер, советую.
Больше месяца выбирал себе самогонный аппарат, остановился на этом, могу сказать, что рекомендую. Цена соответствует качеству!!! После двойного перегона продукт получился отменного качества, ни каких запахов, ни каких хвостов!!! Простой в работе, качественный в изготовлении, быстрая доставка!
Здравствуйте! Купил у вас бражную колону в вашем магазине. Получается следующая картина: разгоняю куб на большой газовой комфорке, при достижении 80 градусов по нижнему термометру переставляю на среднюю.. Температура выхода голов 68-74 градуса по термометру колоны до тех пор пока не останавливается процесс, далее 78-81 градус - выход тела. Хвостов не получал ни разу, потому что температура выше не поднимается в колоне с подключённым дефлегматором, газ почти на минимуме весь процесс. Выход 2 литра 90 градусного продукта из 12 литров спирта-сырца. СС очищаю БАУ и разбавляю до 20 градусов, в итоге продукт даже не пахнет самогоном. Колона хорошо справляется!
Алексей Корт
Приветствую. Оформлял заказ 4004, до Белгорода дошло за 4 дня. Через 10 дней сделал первый перегон, потратил пять с половиной часов, на выходе 1,8 литров самогона (уже без голов) 92 градусов крепости - все соответствует заявленным показателям. Сама колонна сделана добротно и аккуратно. Я очень доволен. Рекомендую.
  1. Unpack the brazier and remove all packing materials.
  2. Remove traces of factory treatment with water and detergent and rinse with clean water.
  3. Fill the distillation cube with a small amount of clean water, collect the brazier, and connect the hoses to supply water for cooling according to the connection diagram (Fig. 1), boil (distilled) for 30 minutes. To disassemble the cobbled column, to drain the remainder of the water from the distillation cube and column.
  4. The volume of the primary wort should not exceed 3/4 of the volume of the distillation cube. Use a clarified primary wort, pre-filtering it from the slurries of the fermentation products.
  5. Primary wort is poured through the neck into the distillation cube.
  6. The recommended volume content of alcohol in the original wort is from 10% and higher.
  7. If Panchenkov's on-load tap-changer or other fillers are used, then for the greatest efficiency it is necessary to fill the whole column with them.
  8. After connecting the cooling hoses to the chiller and reflux nozzles, check for leaks in the connections, briefly putting water in the hoses.
  9. Bold column to put on a heat source and set the heating power to the maximum value (in order to shorten the heating time of the distillation cube)
  10. After reaching a temperature reading of 70°C on the thermometer, turn on the water supply for cooling. Strongly not necessary, enough laminar flow of water (without air bubbles)
  11. When the values on the thermometer are reached at the upper point of the columnar column of 79-80 ° C (the scatter is due to the measurement error), low-boiling fractions (heads) will begin to distill. Approximately 1-2% of the volume of the primary wort is selected (if the primary wort is sucrose) or 2-3% (if the primary wort is fructose).
  12. Then the "body" collection begins. Do not forget to use a silicone tube to collect the product, in order to avoid unnecessary evaporation of alcohol into the air during collection.
  13. As the alcohol content in the primary wort decreases, the thermometer readings on the distillation cube begin to rise, down to 99°C - these are the regulatory indicators.
  14. If the content of alcohol in the brew is lower than the critical value, the distillation process slows down automatically, this is expressed in a sharp drop in the intensity of the dropper, until the caprolling of the product stops. The temperature on the thermometer at the upper point of the brawling column (above the reflux condenser) will begin to fall - fall below 79-81°C. This indicates the automatic end of the distillation process.
  15. Watch the thermometer on the distillation cube. If the reading exceeds 100°C, turn off the heating source and wait for the brazier to cool down, disassemble it to perform an inspection to find a blockage.

Regulatory indicators*:

  • For a cantilever column with a 12 liter distillation cube: approximately 1 liter of distillate (in terms of 90% volumetric alcohol content) for 4 hours in a full cycle;
  • For a cantilever column with a 15 liter distillation cube: approximately 1.3 liters of distillate (in terms of 90% volumetric alcohol content) for 5 hours in a full cycle;
  • For a cantilever column with a 20 liter distillation cube: approximately 2 liters of distillate (in terms of 90% volumetric alcohol content) for 6 hours in a full cycle;
  • For a cantilever column with a 30 liter distillation cube: approximately 2.5 liters of distillate (in terms of 90% volumetric alcohol content) for 7 hours in a full cycle.

* Regulatory indicators may vary depending on the composition and "strength" of the original wort, the type and indicators of the power of the heating source, the temperature and cooling intensity, the temperature regimes, the type and density of the fillers used for the culvert column.

Connection diagram:

Delivery of Gorilych products and related products.

You can buy any stills, brewing and distillation column "Gorilych" in our Internet-shop ChZDA and get your order in Chelyabinsk or in official representative offices in different Russian cities. The list of stores or points of delivery (PWZ) in the Chelyabinsk region is constantly expanding and the actual information on their addresses and office hours you can always find on the interactive map when ordering, or get the information you need from our consultants free by phone 8 (800) 775-90-83.

You choose your own delivery variant.

You can choose a convenient way of delivery of your stills "Gorilych" and other CHZDA products to Chelyabinsk. When ordering, specify the type of delivery and select any delivery point (PWZ) in the list or on the interactive map. We will take care of the rest.

Safe and cautious packing

Before shipping your order each kit of Gorilych stills is carefully inspected for any external defects, wrapped in bubble wrap, carefully and tightly packed in shipping carton and provided with all the necessary documents (bill of lading, passport, warranty card). During the whole process of delivery to Chelyabinsk region we always track the location of your order to notify the buyer on the arrival of the goods to receive them.

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Due to advanced integration solutions in Chelyabinsk ZDA online store the buyer is always aware of where and at what stage his order is.

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Look first, pay later

Due to our courier service and long-term cooperation with reliable transportation companies, the customer in most cases (excluding Russian Post) can always open the package upon receipt of the order and make sure that the package is intact and the order is complete. And only if there are no comments, the buyer can pay for the received goods in the store, at the point of delivery or to the courier.

ChZDA store not only offers quality stills and distillers of its own production in Chelyabinsk region, but also the most comfortable, and most importantly, favorable conditions for the purchase in Chelyabinsk. You do not need to solve the question of payment when ordering products from our catalog because you can pay for the stillizer in any convenient way including:

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All payments for CHZDA goods are made online through secure service JuMoneu, so you can be sure that all information with payment data is guaranteed to remain confidential and secure and can not be used by unauthorized persons: payment service JuMoneu is protected by PCI DSS - a standard Visa and Mastercard. Payments are credited on the same day.

 We wish you successful purchases!

Note: In order to improve the consumer qualities of the goods, changes may be made without additional approval. Possible changes do not affect the basic properties of the product.

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